Required Query Parameters and Their Possible Values

Required Parameters

There are four required parameters needed to make a successful request to the reporting API.

  • start: This is a date string that follows the ISO date format, i.e. 2021-08-10T19:00:00Z
  • end: This is a date string that follows the ISO date format, i.e. 2021-08-10T20:00:00Z
  • metrics: This should be a comma separated string, i.e. ‘requests,impressions’
  • dimensions: This should be a comma separated string, i.e. ‘endpoint,country,demandPartnerId’

Date Notes

For the start and end parameters, please request in UTC (providing the “Z” at the end for the offset). Specifying a timezone is a future feature. Also, please only request one hour, one day, or one month in a request. The endpoints will automatically determine which data aggregation to use.


Possible Values

Each endpoint will have the same options for the “metrics” parameter, they are:

  • requests
  • requestsWithBid
  • impressions
  • publisherRevenue
  • fillRate
  • cpm

Each endpoint will have different “dimensions” based on the type of report it is running.

  • auction - traffic generated from (e.g dspgoogle, dspamazon, addelivery, bidder, auctionapi)
  • zoneId - Unique ID associated to a Sovrn ad tag
  • zoneSize - Size of that zone (e.g 728x90)
  • zoneName - Unique name given to that ID within the account (ex. RON_728x90)
  • country - country of generated traffic (e.g. us, ca, de)
  • demandPartnerId - DSP (e.g TradeDesk)
  • seatId - DSP seat, its an identifier for the Advertiser/advertiser group that is placing creatives
  • dealId - Deal info, used to identify deals and their performance
  • advertiser - The url of the advertiser (e.g

Endpoint Metrics

The specifc metrics included with each endpoint can be found at their respective reference pages linked below:

  • /account
  • /bid
  • /breakout