Price comparison (Non-affiliated) API

The Sovrn Commerce price comparison (non-affiliated) API allows you to enrich your Commerce Content, reducing costs & increasing revenue.

This API gives you access to detailed information on over 180 million products from hundreds of retailers in North America, Europe and Australia.

The API specifically helps you find alternative merchants selling the same product so your readers are able to compare prices, choose their preferred retailer, automatically update stock availability and prices for specific products, replace out-of-stock product offers with alternate ones, and geo-locate consumers to serve local retailers in local currencies. This will help you increase your click through rate, conversion rate and ultimately your Commerce revenue.

The API is designed with simplicity in mind. You simply need to provide a product URL from any supported retailer and specify the market area of interest.


Our API supports a range of markets, identified by currency and language pairs in the format of <currency>_<language> (ISO 4217, ISO 639-1), including but not limited to USD, GBP, AUD, CAD, and EUR with respective languages. These correspond to where the products are sold:

  • usd_en
  • gbp_en
  • aud_en
  • cad_en
  • eur_de
  • eur_it
  • eur_fr
  • eur_es
  • eur_nl
  • chf_de




To query this API, include a Secret Key in the Authorization header of your request. The value of the header must be formatted as secret {SECRET_KEY}, ensuring that the word secret is followed by a space before the key itself.

For details on generating a Secret Key for your site, visit our Authorization guide.

curl --location --request POST '' 
    --header 'authorization: secret {SECRET_KEY}'

Rate Limiting


API Rate Limit

20 requests every 1 second

You can make API requests at a rate of up to 20 requests every 1 second across your entire Sovrn Account. Unless you need to separate request counts by site, we recommend using only one set of keys.


How is product data collected?
We collect product data from multiple data sources including, but not limited to, merchant product feeds and merchant APIs.

Are images and thumbnails provided?
Yes. We provide URL’s to both full size images and thumbnails as they are sent to us by the merchants through their product feeds.

How often is the data updated?
Depending on the data source, product information is updated from near real-time to once a day.

Why is the data missing or incomplete?
Given the nature of the sources we use to collect product data, some information may be missing or incomplete. There may be several reasons for this. Here are the most common:

  • No information is returned
    • The merchant you are requesting is not supported or is currently unavailable. Please check the domain_supported flag in the output to see if this is the case.
    • The product URL you requested is not available through our merchant sources.
  • The information returned is incomplete
    • Some fields (e.g., price, stock availability, image, brand) are missing from the merchant feeds
    • No alternative merchants are available since the merchant you requested has not provided the information we need to match alternative offers.
  • The information returned is wrong (e.g., wrong price, wrong stock availability, wrong alternative merchant)
    • Merchants have not updated their feeds
    • Merchants have provided wrong data

Are batch requests supported?
Batch requests are not supported at this time.

Why does an Amazon URL not return any data?
If you query an Amazon URL and no results are initially returned, please wait 10 minutes and then make the same call. The reason for this is that if that product has never been requested by our system, we need to elaborate the ASIN.

How do I track how many requests I have made?
Each request contains a field named "monthly-request-count" in the response header. This gives you an approximate count of the requests made that month.

What is the response time for the API?
The API responds in between 0.5s and 15s depending on where data is gathered from. The timeout for the API is 30s.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!