This endpoint is used to query aggregated performance metrics by Page. This data can be used to see individual page performance, your top performing pages, actualized earnings, and more, all in real-time. Metrics include Pageviews, RPM, Revenue, Clicks, Sales, Actions, Conversion Rate and EPC.
To query this API, include a Secret Key in the Authorization header of your request. The value of the header must be formatted as
secret {SECRET_KEY}
, ensuring that the wordsecret
is followed by a space before the key itself.For details on generating a Secret Key for your site, visit our Authorization guide.
Required Field
are required for each API call.
Date Range
Date Range Limit
1 month (31 days)
You will need to submit both clickDateStart
and clickDateEnd
with each call to the API in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" where yyyy is the four digit year, mm is the two digit month and dd is the two digit day.
The supplied clickDateEnd
is excluded from the range and functions similarly to a less-than operator. For example, if you would like to select the complete month of March, set clickDateStart
to '2023-03-01' and clickDateEnd
to '2023-04-01'. Additionally, if you would like to select a single day like March 1, 2023, set clickDateStart
to '2023-03-01' and clickDateEnd
to '2023-03-02'.
This API is currently limited to return 1 month (31 days) of data per request. However, this limit will be increased in future updates.
Rate Limiting
API Rate Limit
1 request every 60 seconds
You can make API requests at a rate of up to 1 request every 60 seconds. To adhere to this rate limit, include a delay of at least 60 seconds between consecutive calls. For example, if you need to make multiple requests for data across multiple months, ensure there is a minimum gap of 60 seconds between each request.
You can filter the response by including one or more of the query parameters at the bottom of the page (with their respective data types). For an example of specifying multiple filters, see Example of multiple filters
below. Note that some filters like campaignIds
and merchantGroupIds
can also take a comma separated list of numeric ID values.
You can filter the response by campaignIds
, or by using multiple campaignIds
. To filter by campaignIds
, include the campaignIds
parameter in the request, followed by the equal sign, followed by one or more campaignIds
, separated by commas. For example: campaignIds=1,2,3
. The campaignIds
must only contain numeric values, greater than 0. See Example of filtering by multiple campaignIds
To get a list of campaigns, or search for a specific campaign by name
, visit our Campaigns reference guide.
You can filter the response by merchantGroupIds
, or by using multiple merchantGroupIds
. To filter by merchantGroupIds
, include the merchantGroupIds
parameter in the request, followed by the equal sign, followed by one or more merchantGroupIds
, separated by commas. For example: merchantGroupIds=1,2,3
. The merchantGroupIds
must only contain numeric values, greater than 0.
To get a list of Merchant Group IDs, or search for a specific merchant by name
, visit our Merchant Status reference guide. Ensure that you utilize the groupId
acquired through this API when making requests.
Other Arguments
Accepted Arguments | Meaning |
CPA | Cost per action |
CPC | Cost per click |
Accepted Arguments | Meaning |
WRA | Link |
ORG | JavaScript |
RAC | Click API |
RAL | Link API |
CUP | Coupon API |
TPA | Product API |
PCR | Price Comparison |
TXT | In-text |
SHG | Shopping Galleries |
PRF | Product Feed |
INS | Insert |
UNK | Unknown |
Accepted Arguments | Meaning |
DSK | Desktop |
MBL | Mobile |
TBL | Tablet |
UKN | Unknown |
To filter by country, please use two-letter ISO Country Codes.
You can use CURL
, Postman
, Insomnia
, Talend
, or your favorite REST API tool of choice, in order to make the /reporting/transactions
request. Using gzip
compression will compress the response, therefore making the response time quicker. Note that the response will always be in JSON format.
A CURL example executed from the command line, using gzip compression and writing the response to a file named commerce-page-reporting.json
would be:
curl --request GET --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: secret <your_secret_key_here>' \
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' --compressed > commerce-page-reporting.json
Example without gzip compression:
curl --request GET --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: secret <your_secret_key_here>' > commerce-page-reporting.json
Example of multiple filters:
curl --request GET --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: secret <your_secret_key_here>' \
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' --compressed > commerce-page-reporting.json
Example of filtering by multiple campaignIds
:curl --request GET --location ',200,300&merchantGroupIds=78910&programType=CPC' \
--header 'Authorization: secret <your_secret_key_here>' \
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' --compressed > commerce-page-reporting.json
Example of filtering by multiple merchantGroupIds
:curl --request GET --location ',80,90,100&programType=CPA' \
--header 'Authorization: secret <your_secret_key_here>' \
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' --compressed > commerce-page-reporting.json
Q: deviceType is sometimes unknown, why?
A: We don't always have access to detailed information about the click, or there may be instances where we are unable to accurately determine the device type.